Shabbat 4/15/2017

Chag Pesach Sameach!

Hope you all are enjoying this special Passover week! Or Chaim Congregation celebrated a wonderful Seder on Monday night, as over 100 people crowded into the fellowship room to enjoy the incredible story of deliverance and freedom for the people of God! The cups were drank, the 4 questions were asked, Dayenu was sung, and so many other reminders of this season were re-created. Everyone enjoyed a scrumptious meal, and a good time was had by all! On Tuesday, Millie and I went to Yuma, Co. and did a mini-Seder for about 30 people, many who had never experienced one before, it was truly an awesome time, as Millie was able to share her testimony of God’s breaking bondages off her life.
This Shabbat, I will be continuing our study on operating in heaven’s court, with a timely message on the voice of the Judge. You don’t want to miss it! WE WILL HAVE A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE, AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP AND MIDRASH.

Or Chaim will be joining with other congregations in the community for a “7th Day Celebration” on Monday, April 17th, at 5:30pm, at Family In Christ Community Church; 11355 Sheridan Blvd., Westminster, 80020. IT WILL BE A POTLUCK, SO PLEASE BRING YOUR FAVORITE DISH AND SERVING UTENSILS. We will be celebrating the close of the Passover season, rejoicing with the greater community of Yeshua, and hearing exciting testimony of what our amazing God is doing! Great worship (Lynne will be part of the team!), fun and fellowship, and most importantly, we will be giving thanks to our Father and our King! I hope you all will be able to attend this special evening.

Our February 2018 outreach to Israel is coming together and growing...we already have 15 signed up and five open seats.  $100 deposit is all that is needed to reserve your seat! If you are interested in going please see Millie!

Again, Millie and I want to thank all of you who helped on our Seder, you were a blessing! Look forward to seeing all of you this Shabbat, they are truly special times together!

Chag Sameach and Shabbat Shalom!
Stewart and Millie

Or Chaim Congregation

166 S Lookout Mountain Rd

Golden CO 80401
