Shabbat 4/7/2018

Shabbat Shalom!

What a great Passover we had last week! About 120 folks packed out the Aurora Builders Association for an evening of fun, celebration, fellowship and food. Many have said that they had never been to a Seder before, and others said they didn’t think it was possible to have so much fun at a Seder. We want to thank everyone who worked so hard to put on such a glorious evening, from the planning and preparation that began weeks ago, to the setting up of tables and decorations, to the dancers, worship team, sound man, to those who stayed late to clean up! There are so many that went over and above to make sure that our King was exalted, and the great story of freedom and redemption was told boldly!

We WILL be meeting this Shabbat, April 7th, up on the mountain, so come on out and make the day special. We will be taking a short break from the book of Romans, and look at developing a “kingdom mindset”, based on the character of the KING!



1) Understanding the Person and Ministry of The Ruach Ha Kodesh: This class, taught by Paul Myrant, will examine who is the Holy Spirit, and how to hear His voice and operate in His gifts.The Ruach is the primary means by which we interact with the Godhead. He points us to Yeshua, fills us with His character, and anoints us with His power to minister to the body of Messiah. We will cover the Ruach’s gifts in detail, both the permanent and in the moment gifts. We will learn how to pray and prophesy. The class will be a safe place to grow in our gifts and ministry. Paul and Jan’s address is: 9458 HIBISCUS DR., HIGHLANDS RANCH, CO., 80126

2) A New Creation! Walking in Victory and Favor every day!: I,Stewart, will be teaching this study on what the Bible says about who we are, and how we can choose to walk in greater confidence based on the finished work of Yeshua’s sacrifice on the Cross. We will study how the flesh develops, and more importantly how we can be set free from it and the power of sin that wars against us. We will set out on a journey of renewing our minds, based on Truth and God’s word, so that we will be able to live as overcomers in this world! We will be meeting at Lynne and Terry McDowells home: S 50 CHASE ST. LAKEWOOD, CO. 80226.


Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie


Happy Passover

Chag Pesach Sameach!

We are at the “Mo'ad”(appointed time) known as Passover! This is not one of those “feast of the Jews”, which is not even a Biblical term, but this is one of His Feasts! It is a designated time where He calls His people to meet with Him. It is a time to remember His incredible deliverance of a people He calls “His treasured possession” out of the bondage of slavery into a place of inheritance and blessing. It is also a time when we remember Yeshua celebrating the Passover Seder with his friends on the last night of His life on earth, where He initiated the New Covenant in His blood! Two of the most significant events in the history of God's interaction with man converge at the same time, wow, a coincidence or a revelation of His divine plan? Christians and Jews around the world are celebrating this special time, and our prayer is that those in bondage to sin will be set free, bodies will be healed and restored, and souls will be saved!

We will be celebrating our Seder on Saturday, March 31st at 4pm, at the Aurora Realtors Association, 14201 east Evans Dr., Aurora, 80014. We are sold out!THERE WILL BE NO SHABBAT MORNING SERVICE ON LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN! We are so excited about this special evening, because it is all about celebrating His faithfulness throughout the ages. Our prayer is that the weight of His glory will overwhelm us as we re-tell the story, enjoy praise and worship and anointed dance, and fellowship over a sumptuous meal!

Please pray with us that at this Passover, many people will turn their lives to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Pray also for the Peace of Jerusalem, that the Jewish Messiah will be revealed to His people. We look forward to seeing you there!

Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach!

Stewart and Millie


Shabbat 3/24/2018

Shabbat Shalom!

As I was reading this morning in Luke 5 & 6, a statement from Yeshua struck me, “No man who drinks old wine wants new, because he says, ‘the old is fine.’” It is a statement not found in any other gospel account. Commentaries are somewhat helpful, but I I really wanted to know what Yeshua meant. I believe He said to me, don’t have an attitude/mindset that is resistant to new things, or be satisfied that things will be just the same as they have always been. We as the “Kehilat” (called out ones) of God, must always put our trust in, and get our life from The Holy One Of Israel, and not just rely upon past experiences that lead us to the same outcomes as before. As I have shared before, and will continue to say, we are in a new season that will require ruthless trust, and an intentional and prolonged season of being in His presence, so as to know His ways and hear His voice! Along this line, as I continue to teach out of the book of Romans, we need to see the “big picture” of what God is doing in the earth at this time. We can become so consumed with our stuff, our “issues”, and our priorities, that we lose sight of the amazing and miraculous things that He is putting into place during our lifetime! Be encouraged, God is moving, and we will see some of these things as we look at chapter 11 this Shabbat!

Passover is coming up soon. There is still room at our Seder, so get your tickets while they last. Again, the cost is $30/adult, and $15/child for a wonderful evening of recalling the faithfulness of God, and being renewed in our hope of Yeshua’s soon return! It will be an evening of fun, a re-telling of the story, music and Messianic dance, and a wonderful meal! Remember, we will not be having our regular morning Shabbat service on March 31st due to our Seder taking place at 4pm.

We look forward to seeing you all this Shabbat, March 24th as we will be participating in communion during our service, so let’s get rid of those attitudes now! We will be having a potluck Oneg following our service, SO BRING A DISH WITH ENOUGH TO SHARE, AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP!

Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

166 S Lookout Mountain Rd

Golden CO 80401

Shabbat 3/17/2018

Shabbat Shalom!

This Shabbat, March 17th at 10:30am, join us for Service and enter into the rest of this special day! The richness of our Torah service, depth of worship and solid teaching in the Word is all about exalting our King and Lord, Yeshua. This week, we will be continuing our study of the book of Romans, as we explore an amazing chapter 11! The problem of arrogance, and the absolute necessity of humility are addressed by Paul, in light of Israel’s being chosen for His purposes.

WE WILL BE HAVING A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO PLEASE BRING A DISH! Recently, these special times of fellowship have had more people than food! If Or Chaim is your Congregation please bring enough food for your family and a visitor!  Let’s share our gift of hospitality to bless others! 

This Friday evening, March 16th, there will be a time of intercession and prayer at the home of Paul and Jan Myrant. God is calling His bride to a deeper level of prayer for our families, congregations and cities! Call Paul for directions to his home in Highlands Ranch, at (714)803-4753.

We still have tickets available for our Passover Seder, so get them while they last! To purchase them go to our website at to the donate tab. Cost is $30/ adult and $15/child.

We look forward to seeing you on Shabbat, worshipping with you and enjoying fellowship!  So come on out and join us! Invite your family and friends to be part of our Mishpacha!

Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

166 S Lookout Mountain Road

Golden CO 80401


Shabbat 3/10/2018

Shabbat Shalom!

We had an awesome service last week as we welcomed Calev Myers of Jerusalem Institute of Justice to Or Chaim. He shared of exciting initiatives in Israel, as we were encouraged to embrace and pray into God’s purposes for that land and It's people. What a great seguay it was into the story of Purim, and how God delivered His people in the midst of the rabid anti-semitism of Haman and the God-haters!

This Shabbat, March 10th, at 10:30, we will get back into the book of Romans. Chapter 10 is an amazing explanation of the righteousness that we have by trusting Yeshua! We will explore this challenging passage and land on an incredible statement, “Messiah is the goal of Torah”. Following the service, we will be having a special guest at our Oneg, at 1pm. Boaz Meir, the Mountain States Director of Jewish National Fund (JNF), will share with us some exciting things that they are accomplishing in the land of Israel. JNF is one of the oldest Zionist organizations in the world, deeply involved in water and irrigation projects, and building and staffing medical clinics and schools in the Galilee and the Negev regions of Israel. They will be sharing with our congregation ways we can partner with them! PLEASE INVITE FRIENDS AND FAMILY TO THIS SPECIAL SERVICE! ALSO, BRING A DISH OF YOUR FAVORITE FOOD (KOSHER APPROPRIATE), TO SHARE WITH US!

Passover tickets are on sale for our Seder to be held on Saturday, March 31st, from 4pm -8pm. They are going fast, so get them now before we run out of room! The price is only $30/adult, and $15/child, for a beautiful program of story, music, dance, and a delicious catered meal! These are “Appointed Times” (Moadim), that The Lord calls us together as a community to remember how He has delivered His people, and that He STILL breaks the power of the bondage of slavery in our lives today! It is a great opportunity to invite your neighbors and friends who maybe have never experienced a traditional, and Biblical Feast of The Lord, especially as they will see Yeshua all through it!

We look forward to seeing all of you this Shabbat, and we will continue to share about our Bless Israel journey that we recently returned from!

Blessing and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

PS...note from’s this precious man’s 65th Birthday! I’m so happy he was born...aren’t you?



Shabbat March 3, 2018

Shabbat Shalom!

You don’t want to miss the service at Or Chaim this Shabbat! Calev Myers, founder and Director of Jerusalem Institute of Justice (JIJ) will be with us. Calev is a dynamic man who lives in Israel and has a passion for social justice and fighting for civil rights of Israelis, and defending Israel around the world. HE WILL BE SPEAKING AT 10:30AM, BEFORE OUR TORAH SERVICE, SO PLEASE BE ON TIME! It will be a special time as he shares exciting initiatives that JIJ is involved in. There will be a potluck Oneg following the service, so bring a dish and stay for great fellowship!

Remember, Passover tickets are on sale. Buy your tickets now because they are going fast and space is limited. The Seder will be Saturday, March 31st from 4pm-8pm, and it will be an incredible evening as the story of deliverance  from Egypt is retold, as well as our deliverance from bondage to sin by Yeshua, the Lamb of God! There will be music and Messianic dance, as well as a delicious catered meal, so invite your family and friends.

Millie and I are back from Israel and are looking forward to seeing all of you this Shabbat!

Judith has come out of surgery safely. She is moving to rehab today. Please pray for her speedy recovery. If you want to visit her the address is:

3575 South Washington Street, Englewood CO 80113.

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

166 S Lookout Mountain Rd

Golden Co 80401


Calev Myer at Shabbat 3/3!

Calev Myer is coming to Or Chaim Congregation this Shabbat 3/3 at 10:30 am. He will be first up so don’t me late!

166 S Lookout Mountain Rd

Golden CO 80401

Calev Myers

Calev is a Senior Partner at Yehuda Raveh & Co. Law Offices, one of Israel's largest law firms. The firm was established in the 1940’s by Mr. Gideon Hausner who prosecuted Adolf Eichmann, and served as the Attorney-General of Israel and cabinet minister.

Calev serves as Deputy President of the International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists, an organization which works to combat racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, Holocaust denial and negation of the State of Israel.

In 2004, Calev founded the Jerusalem Institute of Justice, an organization which has successfully protected religious freedom in Israel in over 800 cases, including 22 Supreme Court victories, and challenged the abuse of Palestinian human rights by the Palestinian Authority and Hamas before the EU, the UN and governments around the world.

In 2016, Calev founded ARISE – the Alliance to Reinforce Israel's Security and Economy, an organization dedicated to combatting the BDS movement by opening up new markets for Israeli products worldwide, and enhancing Israel's import-export commerce through diplomatic activities. Calev also serves as the Chairman of the Anti-BDS Commission of the Israel Association of Bi-National Chambers of Commerce, and an active member of the Jewish Diplomatic Corps of the Jewish World Congress.


Shabbat 02/17/2018

Shabbat Shalom!

Millie and I and the entire Bless Israel team want to say Shabbat Shalom from Netanya, Israel! It’s mid afternoon on Friday, and everyone is shopping in preparation for the Shabbat. We have been in the land for the last 4 days, and it has already been an incredible trip! In Tel Aviv, we visited with 3 different ministries. We also had an opportunity to walk through the old city of Jaffa, one of the oldest and most important port cities of ancient Israel. Yesterday, the team helped prepare dinner for about 20 holocaust survivors, served them and blessed them with music and dancing and were in turn blessed by them! What a wonderful day everyone had! Today we had an opportunity to visit the March of Life Ministry that is committed to the plight of the holocaust survivors bringing reconciliation between them and the nations that participated in the holocaust.  Time is short!

This Shabbat, February 17th, Or Chaim Congregation will have Gene Binder from Boulder sharing during the Service. Gene is a good friend of ours and has had a wonderful impact on the body of Messiah in the Denver/Boulder metro area. You don’t want to miss this service!

Continue to pray for us and the Bless Israel team as we are traveling around the land of Israel.

Blessing and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie



Shabbat 02/10/2018


Last week the Lord spoke very clearly “He didn’t bring you this far to leave you alone!” We had a wonderful time of ministry to some in our Mishpacha who are struggling with life-threatening illnesses; a time of speaking words of life, healing, and blessing. Adonai Tzevaot (Lord of Hosts) is going before us, doing battle!

This Shabbat, February 10th @10:30am, we will continue in our journey through Rav Shaul’s (Paul’s) letter to the Romans, as we finish chapter 9. We will explore God’s Sovereignty, and man’s free choice, a concept many of us struggle with.

We will have a potluck oneg following the service, so please bring a dish to share and stay for the fellowship!

Also, there will be Torah midrash before and after the service. BECAUSE GATEWAY ON MT. ZION WILL BE HAVING A SEMINAR, WE WILL NEED TO LEAVE THE CHURCH BY 3PM!

Some important events coming up that you need to be aware of: The feast of Purim begins on the evening of Wednesday, February 28th, and we will celebrate it on Shabbat, March 3rd, so come dressed as your favorite character from this story, bring your “noisemakers” to drown out Haman’s nasty name, and get ready to enjoy “Hamantashen”! Great time to bring the kids and the grandkids to enjoy this amazing story of deliverance.

On March 10th, we will have some special guests from the Jewish National Fund (JNF), to share with us some of the important projects they are spearheading in Israel. Boaz Meir, Director of the Mountain States region of JNF, along with Dr.Hanni Arnon, who is an educator and agricultural expert, will be sharing with us some exciting and innovative projects they are developing in the Arava region of Israel. Also, it will be a great opportunity to support the land of Israel in practical ways, by blessing them financially! As you know, Or Chaim Congregation, has committed to supporting what God is doing in Israel, with our finances as well as in practical “hands on” ways, such as serving holocaust survivors. This meeting will take place during our Oneg, at 1pm, downstairs in the fellowship room. PLEASE INVITE OTHERS WHO MAY BE INTERESTED IN PARTNERING WITH THE JNF TO KEEP ISRAEL  ON THE CUTTING EDGE OF TECHNOLOGY, AGRICULTURE, AND MEDICAL BREAKTHROUGHS.

Don’t forget that passover is coming on March 30-31st! On Erev Pesach, Friday the 30th, we will have small intimate Seder gatherings in homes. On Shabbat the 31st, we will have a community Seder gathering at Aurora Realtors Assn., from 4-8pm. Get your tickets now for the community event! Enjoy a wonderful Seder meal , music and Messianic dance, as well as a delicious catered dinner for only $30 for adults, and $15 for children under12. You can purchase tickets on our website.

We look forward to seeing you this Shabbat!

Blessing and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

166 S Lookout Mountain Road

Golden CO 80401



Shabbat 2/3/2018

Shabbat Shalom!

David was having a bad day (an understatement)! The enemy had taken captive their wives and children, burned their homes, and his “loyal” followers were thinking of stoning him. I love what The Word says he did, “David strengthened himself in the Lord his God”. It wasn’t an automatic thing, he had to make a choice to speak to his own soul! This event took place just before he ascended to being King of Israel. DON'T GIVE UP! I want to encourage you that whatever is going on in your life be encouraged in the Lord! It works! Join us this Shabbat, February 3, at 10:30am as we gather to worship God, are encouraged in His word and by each other, and learn to rest in His presence!

We will continue our teaching in the book of Romans, as we complete chapter 9, and explore the subject of GOD’S SOVEREIGNTY. You don’t want to miss this important teaching especially as we look at the condition of our world. We need to see that He knows the beginning from the end and everything is in His hands!


There will be a Bless Israel Outreach meeting at 2pm in the sanctuary for those going with us to Israel. Millie and I will be leading our annual journey to the land this February 12-26 along with 16 other folks from 4 different congregations! Please pray for us as we go that we would be a blessing to many people and that there would be much fruit. Also, If you desire to go with us in the future start praying now! We are already making plans for Bless Israel 2019.  Part of the mandate we have at Or Chaim Congregation is to be a bridge and a connector to the community in Israel. We would love for you to join with us on a journey of a lifetime!

We so look forward to seeing you all on Shabbat. It truly is a joy to be with the “Mishpacha” hearing testimonies of what Father is going in our lives, worshipping together and of course, EXPERIENCING HIS PRESENCE AND HIS GLORY IN OUR MIDST!

Blessing and Shalom,

Stewart and Millie Lieberman

166 S Lookout Mountain Road

Golden CO 80401



Shabbat 1/27/2018

Shabbat Shalom!


In my reading this morning, I was struck again by one of the most amazing verses in scripture! Gen.50:20, “Yes, you yourselves planned evil against me. GOD PLANNED IT FOR GOOD, IN ORDER TO BRING ABOUT WHAT IT IS THIS DAY - TO PRESERVE THE LIVES OF MANY PERSONS.” I have always seen this verse as the preview of Rom.8:28, where He works ALL THINGS for the good for those who LOVE GOD and are CALLED ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSE! Know what our Father has spoken to you, hang on for dear life, and we have a promise that kingdom things will take place! Those of you who are in the midst of a battle, cry out to HIM, and be encouraged that it all has a purpose from His perspective if we don’t lose hope!

This Shabbat, January 27th at 10:30am, we are back in Romans 9, as we explore the question “HAS THE WORD OF GOD FAILED?  Of course, we all know the answer, oh, do we really? Some of us walk around acting as though maybe His Word has failed, we just don’t tell anyone, and then we become discouraged, apathetic and inwardly give up. Come this Shabbat and lets learn where Israel fits into this! This week, Our Torah Midrash will be only in the morning at 9am. THERE WILL BE A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH AND STAY FOR THE FELLOWSHIP!

Following the meal, we will be having our Community Core meeting, for those who call Or Chaim their “home”, and love being part of our community. We will share our vision, our mandate, and our values. We will also update the congregation on our financial well-being. PLEASE PLAN ON ATTENDING, THIS AN IMPORTANT MEETING! We will also give opportunity to ask questions and bring suggestions to leadership. The start time of the meeting will be approximately 1:45-2pm.

Please continue to pray for those in our congregation who are sick, also, pray for your leaders, as we are asking Father for wisdom and direction as we begin this new year!

Blessings and Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

166 S Lookout Mountain Rd

Golden CO 80401

Shabbat 1/20/2018



As many of you know, Millie and I lived in Israel for many years. We have an incredible love for the people, are committed to supporting ministries reaching Israelis with the good news of Yeshua, and know that God has covenantal purposes for her that are connected to worldwide redemption. As a congregation, Or Chaim not only supports financially several ministries in the land, but also bring teams to Israel every year to participate in reaching out to the people in practical ways. Whenever possible, we invite Israeli Believers to share what God is doing in the land. This Shabbat, January 20th at 10:30am George and Baht Rivka Whitten from the Southern Israeli City of Arad will be with us at Or Chaim! Rivka is an anointed worship leader and songwriter whose music has blessed many, not only in the land but all over the world. her husband George, will bring a unique perspective concerning Middle East news. They oversee Worthy News, and minister full time to spiritually hungry people in the region, and as a global outreach minister to more than 120 countries on a daily basis! Come join us this Shabbat, and invite others who want to hear of the amazing things God is doing!


Shabbat is a wonderful day on the “Mountain” not only in our services, but starting at 9am with Torah Midrash, where the weekly portion of the Torah is read and discussed and all are welcome to participate.

Next Shabbat, January 27th, we will have an important Community Core meeting following the service for those who consider Or Chaim as their community or spiritual home. This will be an annual meeting, where we will share the vision and mission of our congregation, and also discuss the values of our community. We will update you on the financial status of Or Chaim, and give opportunity to ask questions of leadership and bring suggestions that would bless the Mishpacha. All who call Or Chaim their Community are welcome to attend following our Oneg at approximately 1:45pm.

Millie and I will be leading a Bless Israel tour/outreach to the land between February 12th-26th with about 18 folks from 4 different congregations. Please pray for our team as we prepare for this awesome, life changing trip. As we did last year, we will bless Holocaust survivors, meet Israelis involved in cutting edge ministries, and of course, see and experience the land! What a time to visit Israel, as they celebrate their 70th birthday in just a few months!

We look so forward to seeing all of you this Shabbat! Remember, gathering together is not so much about what we can get from God its about us blessing God and entering into a REST WITH HIM! And as we bless God and honor the Shabbat, guess what? We, in turn, get tremendously blessed! See you then!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie


Shabbat January 13, 2018

Shabbat Shalom!

I read something the other day that I want to share with you from Wayne Hilsden, a friend of ours who lives in Jerusalem: “TO SERVE THE LORD SOUNDS LIKE WORK. BUT WHEN THE LORD HIMSELF IS AT WORK IN AND THROUGH YOU, THE BURDEN IS LIGHT”, wow, can we embrace that truth and let Him do what He wants in us? The hardest thing for many of us to do is to ‘cease and desist” from striving and submit ourselves to the work of the Ruach in us, and give praise and be thankful to Him in the midst of the journey! When we do that, it is at that point we realize the truth that the burden is light! This Shabbat, January 13th, we will be continuing on the journey through Romans, and enter into 3 chapters that theologians for centuries have tried to figure out why they were put there. Chapters 9-11 confuses many, as they try to figure out why Rav Shaul ‘changes the subject’ in the midst of what we have been studying over the last months! Now, we are hearing about Israel and the Jews, why the change? We will discover this week how this section is so central to us understanding, not just the book, but the entire gospel!


Some upcoming events you need to be aware of: On Shabbat, January 20th, at 10:30am, we will be welcoming George and Baht Rivka Whitten to Or Chaim all the way from the Southern Israel city of Arad! Rivka is Israeli born (Sabra), who is an incredibly anointed worship leader and songwriter, will bring her unique music ministry that has reached many with the good news of Yeshua. George, her American-born husband, will bring his unique perspective on the news concerning the Middle East. Believe me, this is not the “News” you hear on CNN or the rest of the fake news media! You don’t want to miss this service, and you will also want to invite friends and families!

On Shabbat, January 27th, we will have an important congregation community Core meeting following the service for those who consider Or Chaim Congregation as their community or spiritual home. This will be an annual meeting, where we will share the vision, mission statement and values of the congregation as we come into this new year.  We will also update you on the financial well-being of the congregation. It will also be an opportunity to ask questions of leadership, and bring suggestions that would bless the “Mishpacha” or community! All who love Or Chaim are welcome to attend. It will follow our Oneg, at approximately 1:45pm.

We look forward to seeing you this Shabbat, we miss you when you are gone!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

Or Chaim Congregation

116 S Lookout Mountain

Golden CO 80401



George and Baht Rivka Whitten Jan 20th!

Do you love Israel and want to understand more about what is going on in the Land, from the perspective of those who live and serve the Lord in Southern Israel? Would you be interested in a blessed time of informative testimony and Israeli worship music?Come to Or Chaim Congregation on Saturday, January 20 at 10:30 am!George and Baht Rivka Whitten with be with us for our Shabbat. 166 S Lookout Mountain Road, Golden CO 80401

Israeli-born Rivka Whitten is a talented worship leader who released an all-Hebrew CD, “Lazman Hazeh.” Rivka maintains a daily blog, “Thoughts from the Negev.” Her song “Eretz Zavat Chalav (Land of Milk and Honey)” was featured on the second installment of Messianic Dance Camps International’s instructional DVD, “Aliyah-Rise up!”

Worthy Ministries founder and husband to Rivka, George, will bring a unique perspective concerning Middle East news. Living in Southern Israel near the Dead Sea, the Whitten’s run Worthy News and minister full-time to the many spiritually hungry people in the region. Worthy Ministries is an organization based in Israel with a global outreach to more than 120 countries on a daily basis.

Come Join us!


First Shabbat of 2018!

Shabbat Shalom!

The new year has arrived, and We are ready for 2018 to be a breakthrough year! We hear that word, “breakthrough” a lot, especially among Believers, but I do think it is very Biblical, and appropriate when you come out of one season and are intentionally preparing for the new season ahead. Or Chaim Congregation is entering into it’s 3rd year, 3 represents the Triune nature of God, The Father, Yeshua the son, and Ruach HaKodesh (the Holy Spirit), and to some degree, completion. We sense Abba is bringing our community into greater  revelation of our creator, and His purposes for us, individually and corporately. He is desiring to build upon the loving family environment we enjoy as a Congregation, to a loving community that reaches out to a dark world. Breakthrough is for all of us, and we have been praying that you will experience breakthrough in your personal lives, your families, and your Ministry calling!

You don’t want to miss the first Shabbat of the year, January 6th, as we honor, worship, and serve God  in a Messianic Jewish way! I, Stewart, will be completing Romans 8 (finally!), as we explore the amazing truth that NOTHING CAN SEPARATE US FROM THE LOVE OF GOD! If God is FOR US, who can stand against us? Rav Shaul (Paul), is absolutely awestruck by this truth, as we should be too! WE WILL CELEBRATE THE LORD’S COMMUNION DURING OUR SERVICE.

Also, we will have a potluck Oneg following the Service, so bring a dish to share, and enjoy fellowship! Of course, there will be Torah Midrash, before and after Service, and all are invited. This upcoming week’s Torah portion is “Shemot”, as we begin the incredible book of Exodus.

We look forward to seeing all of you this first Shabbat of the year. Several of us in leadership have set this month aside for fasting and prayer, we encourage you to ask The Father if you are to join with us. Nothing of Kingdom significance happens WITHOUT the prayer of the saints! Please join with leadership as we desire to see the purposes of God come to fruition in our midst in 2018!

Blessing and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

166 S Lookout Mountain Rd

Golden CO 80401


Shabbat 12/30/2017

Shabbat Shalom!

Wow, the last Shabbat of 2017! For many, it’s a time of reflecting back on the year past, and thanking God for His abundant blessing, and for others, it’s a time to say Thank you, God, it’s over! I want us all to look back on the year and rejoice as the scripture exhorts, “REJOICE IN THE LORD ALWAYS - AGAIN I WILL SAY REJOICE!”, because I know that all of us can be thankful about many things. The hostile culture we live in is full of negative voices telling us how bad off we have it, and the news media is always reminding us that you are either a victim or that you are the oppressor. God’s word says “You are my son/daughter”; “You are precious and loved”; and, “He has good plans for you!” Join us this Shabbat, December 30th, at 10:30am, as we celebrate His goodness in our service! I will be continuing our study of Romans (what else!), and we will explore being subjected to futility - IN HOPE! The title of my message is, ‘WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME?’

WE WILL BE HAVING A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP! Also, we will be having a Bless Israel Outreach meeting at 1:30pm, to discuss the upcoming trip in February, and to pray into our time there. If you are going with us, we ask that you plan to be there!

As we have shared with the congregation, please keep Carl and Glenda in your prayer, as Carl is in the hospital till New Years Day, with bacterial pneumonia, and Glenda is struggling physically and needs to experience the Shalom of God in a powerful way. Continue to pray for Mary W. in her battle against cancer, that she will walk in victory as God heals her body. There are many other needs in our Mishpacha, so we ask that you be faithful in lifting up holy hands in prayer for our body! OUR GOD IS A GOD OF BREAKTHROUGH! Remind yourself of that truth on a regular basis, and also, remind the devil that he is defeated and that his days are numbered!



166 S Lookout Mountain Road

Golden CO 80401


2017 Year End Giving

Shalom Mishpacha!

This past year has been an exciting year at Or Chaim! As we come to the end of our second year, we look back at the incredible things God has done, and look forward to a 2018 of blessing, growth and impacting the front range all the way to the nations. We want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your faithfulness in giving of your resources and gifts! So many people mention how they feel so loved and accepted at Or Chaim, and how that has encouraged them to grow in their love of God and to pursue Him more and more!


As we come to the end of 2017, people may be interested in giving an additional financial gift because they recognize God’s blessings throughout the year. Will you pray and ask Abba what He would have you give as we approach the end of the year? I sense that God is wanting us to reach out to and be more intentional in our outreach to our neighborhoods, our city, and of course, to Israel and the nations. We would like to be more active in reaching the Jews of metro Denver by participating, with others, in community activities. Also, we would like to have more training for our congregation in evangelism and how to disciple new Believers when they come into our Mishpacha. We know that God has a heart for His people, and that we are His hands, His feet, and are to proclaim His words in the midst of a dark and corrupt world that needs to experience the love of Yeshua!




Remember, your gifts fund all aspects of our of our ministry that impact people’s lives! We want to thank for being part of our Or Chaim family and helping us to accomplish God’s kingdom work here on earth!


Blessings and Shalom!

Pastor Stewart


Shabbat 12/23/2017

Shabbat Shalom!

Between that last sufganyot, the extra latke I didn’t need and that incredible pasta I was “forced” to eat, the time for an after Chanukah fast has arrived! We celebrated the Festival of Dedication, Chanukah, over the last week and it was truly a blessed time of fellowship, as we gathered in homes, lit Hanukkiah, reflected on Yeshua as the Light of The World, and ate oily comfort food! Millie and I want to thank all of those who hosted the various evenings, you were great.

This Shabbat, December 23rd, we will be continuing our study of Romans 8, with the powerful theme of what it means to be joint heirs with Messiah! I believe when we grasp this concept, not just theologically but experiential, we will be transformed and walk in greater authority than we ever have before. Abba wants us to go beyond an intellectual understanding of God, into our incorruptible inheritance we have in Yeshua, in this age and the age to come! It’s supposed to be cold this weekend, but you do not want to miss this service, so come on up to “the mountain”!


I know many people will be traveling out of town over the next several days, visiting family, and we want to pray God’s protection as you travel, and that you will be a blessing wherever you are! If you won’t be traveling, we look forward to seeing you at Or Chaim this Shabbat. Here is an encouragement from The writer of Hebrews, “And do not neglect our own meetings ... but encourage one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching”. These are perilous and exciting times we are living in, so we really do need one another, your uniqueness, your prayers and encouragement, as well as the gifts He has imparted into you. See you on Shabbat!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

166 S Lookout Mountain Rd

Golden CO 80401



Shabbat 12/16/2017

Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach!

What a wonderful time of the year, as we celebrate Chanukah, the festival of dedication, and that Yeshua is the Light Of The World! We have been meeting in homes, lighting the the candles on the CHANUKIAH, enjoying fellowship with Mishpacha, and scarfing down greasy and incredible food! More than that, we are reminded at this time of the year of a great victory won by a remnant of Jews, who refused to submit to evil, see their Holy place defiled, and turn their backs on the Torah of God! Daniel 11:32 says, “…but the people who know their God will display strength and take action.” Join us this Shabbat, December 16th, as we light the candles of Chanukah, share from His Torah, worship our King, and encourage one another.We will be continuing our study of Romans, and look further into THE SPIRIT OF SLAVERY VS. THE SPIRIT OF ADOPTION. This is an important message that you don’t want to miss. WE WILL BE HAVING A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING YOUR FAVORITE CHANUKAH FOOD!

Following the service, we will be hosting a Messianic Dance camp, at 1:30pm, by Mindy Seta, where you will learn how to enter into messianic worship through dance! The cost is only a $10 suggested donation, so come on out and enjoy! Also, we will be having our weekly Torah Parsha Midrash, so as you can see, we have a lot of opportunity to get involved in community life at Or Chaim.

Check your Chanukah flyer or our website for the directions to upcoming home fellowships. The Westendorfs’ will be hosting on Sunday at the farm, and the Myrants’ are inviting us all on Monday. The final gathering will take place at Cinzetti’s Italian restaurant on Tuesday, December 19th!



