Shavuot 2023

Chag Shavuot Sameach!

A joyous and blessed Feast of Shavuot to all of you! The counting of the Omer is complete, it’s been 7 full weeks (50 days) since Passover and it's the season of bringing FIRST FRUITS before the Lord! It is one of the “Big 3” as far as the Biblical feasts, and a special time of gathering and celebration. Traditionally and according to the Scriptures, B’nei Yisrael were to bring the choicest and the best of their crops to Jerusalem, the early harvest of wheat, and present them before The Lord so that they would experience an abundant harvest. I would encourage all of you to ASK OUR FAITHFUL FATHER WHAT YOU ARE TO BRING BEFORE HIM ON THIS SPECIAL SHABBAT! As Millie and I have learned over the years, when we give out of what God has blessed us with, it is never about a specific financial amount, but about obedience and a heart of thankfulness and gratitude that blesses God and in turn becomes a blessing to us! Sowing into the Kingdom harvest in these end days is about souls being saved, set free and set apart to walk into the awesome callings that He has for us all! The Kingdom harvest is here locally, in our families, in Israel and into the nations! This is a season of generous giving and joy in the Ruach HaKodesh!

This Shabbat May 27th we will be celebrating Shavuot at our Service at 11am at the Dwelling Place. The address is 16800 W. 9th Ave Golden, 80401 so come on out for this special day! We will be having a beautiful presentation of the BOOK OF RUTH, by our incredibly anointed dance team led by David and Laura Aronstein! This particular book is traditionally read at Shavuot, as it is a beautiful love story set at the time of the wheat harvest in Bethlehem. This is a presentation for the whole family and your neighbors as well, so invite your entire neighborhood! WE WILL HAVE AN ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP!

This Sunday May 28th we will be participating in a regional gathering to conclude the 21 day Isaiah 62 prayer and fast for Israel and the Jewish people! For the last 3 weeks many of us have been “standing on the wall” interceding for God’s people and will come together that evening at 7pm at CHURCH IN THE CITY/BETH ABRAHAM, 1580 N Gaylord St Denver, 80206, to hear testimonies, worship the King, and share Communion together! All are welcome to this special event so come on out and celebrate!

Also, many have asked how they can give through our different donation methods…You can go to our Or Chaim Congregation website  and at MENU, go to GIVING AND TITHING and simply click the DONATE button and follow the prompts. Or you can text ‘orchaim’ to (833) 877-2788.  You may always send checks to 1658 Deer Creek Rd., Monument, Co. 80132

Blessings and Chag Sameach!

   Stewart and Millie
