Or Chaim

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Chag Pesach 2024 Shabbat 4/20 (note: this week we will be meeting at 166 S Lookout Mtn. Rd, Golden 80401)

Chag Pesach Sameach!

Happy Passover to all! It actually begins on Monday evening April 22nd, but we are in the season so let’s begin the celebration now! As Yochanan (John the Baptist) declared, “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!”This is the first month of the year, according to Scripture, and we will be taking part in one of the biggest mo’adim (appointed times) of the year. This Shabbat April 20th we will celebrate the immersions of four of our Or Chaim family! For this special service only, we will be meeting at Gateway on Mt. Zion Church, 166 S. Lookout Mt. Rd. Golden, 80401 at 11am. These times are special as we welcome David, Hilary, Iva and Layla into the waters of immersion in obedience to the Scriptures! Invite others for this special service! I will also be sharing a timely message on Pesach and the Cross, with a fresh look at the significance, especially in this day, of the Feasts of Passover, Matzah and Firstfruits. I encourage you all to bring your Bible, as we will not be able to show the Scriptures on the monitor, and we will not have the ability to livestream. Wow, what an “old school” approach! ALSO, WE WILL HAVE A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, DOWNSTAIRS IN THE FELLOWSHIP ROOM, WHERE WE CAN ENJOY FELLOWSHIP WITH ONE ANOTHER. PLEASE REMEMBER, YOU WILL NOT HAVE THE ABILITY TO COOK, ONLY HEAT IN MICROWAVE OR BRING A CROCKPOT!

As mentioned, Passover begins at sundown on Monday the 22nd. We will be gathering in homes throughout the metro area. These are very special and joyous times as we celebrate together the Seder meal and recall the great deliverance of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. It is also the time when we remember Yeshua, the Sacrifice Lamb, who delivered us all from the slavery of sin! You should have all been contacted by your hosts about the items to bring. We want to encourage you all to be in prayer during this season for the volatile situation with Israel. Last week, at the end of the service, we all received word of the attack by Iran on Israel, and we immediately went to prayer. Miraculously, 99% of the drones and missiles were shot down! Great military prowess or divine intervention? I think both, with an emphasis on the Divine, because of all the prayers of the Saints!

We so look forward to seeing you this Shabbat and Passover! Also, these appointed times are for us to check our hearts and lives and get rid of the “leaven”, and be ready for an appointment with The Lamb and our precious King!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie

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Or Chaim
1658 Deer Creek Rd. 
Monument, Co.80132