Or Chaim

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Shabbat Shalom!

Hanukkah has ended but the season of miracles has not! As we come upon the end of the year in just a few weeks, the sense that I have is that 2024 will be a year of great kingdom advancement and revelation for the remnant, in the face of the world-wide shakings continuing. As we have been sharing over the last many weeks, when we seek intimacy with our wonderful Lord, and obey what He calls us to do we will experience more of the supernatural! Expect healings, return of the prodigals, and open doors that you thought were permanently shut!

This Shabbat December 16thwe will be meeting at the Dwelling Place at 11am. Our address is 16800 W.9th Ave Golden, 80401. I will be sharing a message out of the Gospel of John, as we continue to look at the 7 miracles of this extraordinary book. We will explore the real purposes behind the miracles and why we should see more of them in our day! WE WILL BE HAVING A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE SERVICE, SO BRING A DISH TO SHARE. AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP! This past week, we sent out our latest edition of the on-line Tikkun America RESTORE magazine, Please read these articles to see what God is doing in our movement, as well as one that I wrote entitled "FOR EVERYTHING THERE IS A SEASON: A ‘JOSHUA 5’ LEVEL”.

Also, many have asked how they can give through our different donation methods…You can go to our Or Chaim Congregation website https://www.or-chaim.com  and at MENU, go to GIVING AND

TITHING and simply click the DONATE button and follow the prompts. Or you can text ‘orchaim’ to (833) 877-2788.  You may always send checks to 1658 Deer Creek Rd., Monument, Co. 8013

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom!

Stewart and Millie