Shabbat May 6, 2017

Shabbat Shalom Mishpacha!

I'm not one who functions normally in the office of the prophet, but I can predict with some degree of confidence that we will not be snowed out this Shabbat! We so missed getting together, that I can hardly wait to see you on Saturday, May 6th, at 10:30am! I will be starting a new series on HOW TO THINK LIKE HEAVEN, and will be introducing it with a message entitled "Where Did THAT Thought Come From?". Don't miss this important message, and also enjoy the presence of The Lord, as we worship together and study Torah God's Word! WE WILL HAVE A POTLUCK ONEG FOLLOWING THE MEAL, SO BRING A DISH AND STAY FOR FELLOWSHIP!

Next Shabbat, May 13th, we will welcome Ron and Nadia Kaufman, of SPIRIT OF THE MARTYRS ministry to share their passion for reaching the persecuted church around the world. This would be a great opportunity to invite your friends, especially millennials, who are wanting to see what God is doing in tough places.

Or Chaim has a lot of exciting things coming up, you don't want to miss any of it! Kaela Busby's graduation, Bill Bullock, Shavuot community celebration, and many other things.

See you all on Shabbat!

Blessings and Shabbat Shalom,

Stewart and Millie
